Christian bible for mac
Christian bible for mac

Though MacDonald initially opted to step away from all preaching and leadership roles at the church’s Chicago-area locations, in his January 16 sabbatical announcement he suggested he might still preach at a Harvest congregation in Naples, Florida, which led to another saga. That’s when eight former elders sent a letter to the sitting elder board, warning them that MacDonald was disqualified for office,” she said in a response posted Wednesday. “While I am heartened that the elders finally removed MacDonald, he should have been fired five years ago.

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The news came less than a week after another update from Julie Roys, a defendant in the lawsuit and the writer responsible for the World investigation, who has continued to release evidence against MacDonald and call for his resignation.

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Muller had prematurely announced the pastor’s departure on Friday morning on his show on WLS 890 AM, going on to declare on Twitter, “Conman Boss James Macdonald OUT of Harvest Church!” Now, the church has decided its longtime leader won’t be coming back. On his radio show, Muller later aired what sounded like clips of MacDonald making harsh comments toward media who had covered the story. Then, a famous friend of his, Chicago shock jock Mancow Muller, spoke out in a local newspaper against the manipulation and ego he observed around MacDonald’s “cult of personality” at Harvest. The public scrutiny continued with pushback against MacDonald’s decision to preach at a Harvest affiliate in Florida during his sabbatical. MacDonald took an “indefinite sabbatical” in January, following a tumultuous few months defending Harvest in a defamation lawsuit against its critics and in the aftermath of a World magazine investigation into mismanagement at the church. “This decision was made with heavy hearts and much time spent in earnest prayer, followed by input from various trusted outside advisors.” That timeline accelerated, when on Tuesday morning highly inappropriate recorded comments made by Pastor MacDonald were given to media and reported,” they wrote. “Following a lengthy season of review, reflection, and prayerful discussion, the Elders of Harvest Bible Chapel had determined that Pastor MacDonald should be removed from his role of Senior Pastor. Harvest elders announced this morning that they were forced to take “immediate action” on Tuesday to end his 30-year tenure.

christian bible for mac

In the midst of efforts to reconcile with longtime critics, Harvest Bible Chapel fired its founder and senior pastor James MacDonald for “engaging in conduct … contrary and harmful to the best interests of the church.”

Christian bible for mac